Love unadulterated Eye to eye stand the man-eating tiger and I, a safety sheet of plexiglass between us; his ochre eyes gazing nonchalantly as I admire his glinting tri-colored coat and the symmetrical arrangement beneath it of his latent danger, thrilling power and grace. In the wild, I would enjoy no such beauty, find no such magic and majesty, my admiration thwarted by terror. Daily our vulnerable selves miss the terrible beauty of God and His creation for fear of our own pain and demise. It’s not the world from which we must be liberated but our attachment to this human, deeply-held view. Free from self; free from mind; free from death and fear, we shall gain a God’s eye view and become again capable of love unadulterated. O child of God, Meher said where there is fear, there’s no love.Where there’s love, there’s no fear.
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