Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The beast in the parlor

The beast in the parlor                                                                               

The elephant in the dark is the elephant in the room.
So dominant is its presence, its size and strength,

that we grab on early to a nearby part,
shape ourselves grotesquely around it,

settle as best we might
into our fixed and jostled, adversarial lives.

It’s not really there (we’ve been told by mystics of every stripe).
Done with shadows, suggestion, smoke and mirrors.

But almost no one ever hears nor fathoms what they hear. 
The Avatar has come to lead us away –

to disbelieve the beast in the parlor,
the evident and the obvious

and believe instead in Him, abandoning
forever (almost entirely upon faith)

the readily apparent elephant, our twisted response
and the dark house of our enchantment.

O child of God, the truth is explored when the seeker
becomes vastly indifferent to the obvious charade.

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