Thursday, April 30, 2020

My trembling fingers

My trembling fingers                                                                                  

I’ve never come near to humility
but I’ve admired it from afar.

I was raised neck-deep in it,
a down-to-earth natural position

where the power and grace of God
was an evident firsthand everyday experience

yet my own humility early on gave way
to shame and pride and then a lifelong duplicity.
Baba would sometimes ask (as a test)
a would-be disciple to walk the streets naked.

My mind explores the possibility
but my trembling fingers

can’t unfasten and remove my clothing.
It was humility lost long ago in the Garden  

(the essence of innocence) and it is shame to this day
that keeps God’s children hidden among the leaves.

O child of God, humility is the nakedness
required to learn at last who you really are.

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