Friday, February 5, 2021

The light of You

The light of You                                                                                         
You’re the Lord of Light; I live in shadow.
Something’s come between us, Lord.  
So thoroughly You know my darkness. 
So ignorant am I of Your Light
(except its promise) and blind even to myself. 
Humility, purity and love are wonderful words
I hear and say in prayer and often wonder
how their truth would feel coming out of me.
I’m that little bit of nothing to Your everything;
a stone adrift in space.  How silent
and lonely this far out, Lord! 
You hear my pleas (You promise),
while I am (stone) deaf
to Your Self-assured, eternal song of love. 
How will my darkness and density
ever be dispelled by the light of You
when something’s come between us, Lord,
that only You have the will and power to remove?
O child of God, when you feel utterly helpless
your faith has a chance to grow.

(drawing by Rich Panico)


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