Sunday, February 21, 2021

One true faith

One true faith                                                                                                   
At times I refer to Meher Baba
as my Saviour but it’s not quite true.
What portion of me has He ever promised to save?
Not even a casket-sized haven for a body
returning to dust (just the same with Him or without).
Not the small delusive mind crammed into my skull,
nor its cohort, the bewildered heart in its cage –
each the root of all ignorance and mischief –
enabling the seemingly endless wheel of birth and death.
Nothing as ethereal as my soul will He save
which (by His word) has never been in danger.
No, no, my Lord promises not to rescue
one jot or tittle of myself
when the illusion dissolves
which is the sum total
of me and mine and who I am.
Nothing to be salvaged, kept or saved
and within that nothing He promises everything.
O child of God, trade in all your hopes
and fears for the one true faith.

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