Saturday, March 10, 2012

Grace intruded

Grace intruded                                                                                

Grace intruded upon my habitual sorrow
and marked me for its own

like a pattern of ink under the skin, 
like an imperfectly minted coin,       

a misprinted postage stamp
or a raw diamond selected for its flaws.

Plucked like a flower
for a vase on a bedside table;

like a wild colt culled from the herd –
lassoed, corralled and broken;

like a shell found on the beach
or an injured bird unable to resume
its migratory route,

I left the broad path
for the narrow and the crooked 

and now – no path at all ...
making my way as everyone must

who tramps toward the gates –
without precedent,

yet, with a Companion who by turns comforts,
inspires, fortifies and illumines the way ahead.

O child of God, Grace is beyond your ken.
To whom much is given much is required.


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