Thursday, March 5, 2020

A gospel fundamental

A gospel fundamental                                                                                 

Raised with Jesus in a fundamental way,
I abandoned later most of my faith,

lured by the usual culprits and intoxications.
It wasn’t Jesus through the hard work days,

the fearsome nights I turned to for comfort.
And now that I am retired from hard work,

my Lord allows nothing much
but faith to be stored in my warehouse, 

the labels dating back to childhood
when grace flowed neck-deep and freely.

A gospel fundamental enough for a child
(whom He suffered to come unto Him) –

faith and innocence necessities,
not to be discarded at the first rail stop

but clung to and employed, carried firmly
into the heart of a faithless world.

O child of God, Meher said (like Jesus)  
you must become, not childish, but childlike.

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