Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Nothing need be said

Nothing need be said                                                                                       
Down to two meditations now –
repetition of Meher Baba’s name
or the keeping, as near as possible
(inside and out) of a dust grain silence.
I dedicate them both to the One:
The name for His body made holy
by the nameless, infinite Mystery inhabiting it –
a bridge and key now (He has said) to our One true Self.
And the silence I keep – the silence of the pyre
before the sandalwood is ignited,
the silence of true annihilation, when I know
at last, nothing need be said
to the Omniscient One, the One
nearer than my own breath, the One
who makes me who I am, the One
to Whom He and I are not we.
O child of God, repetition of His name, like pure silence,
is a temporary pause in your relentless self-promotion.

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