Wednesday, April 1, 2020



Perhaps, the promise of eternal bliss
is merely a bright carrot

for those of us stuck in mortal fear,
a vague but appealing image

in our imperfect capacity and experience, 
leading us farther along the journey.

The Avatar is limited by language,
flesh and circumstance,

by the inviolate laws of the Game itself
and, within those parameters,

incapable of describing the indescribable,
explaining the inexplicable or delivering precisely

the workings of the One infinite and eternal God.
Meher declared Himself free of all promises

and emphasized He did not come to teach.
What He seems to have done is brought down God

to dwell among us and touch each of our lives
in a host of unfathomable and incommunicable ways.

O child of God, rely not on promise nor wordplay
but on the here and now presence of His divine Love.


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