Saturday, June 13, 2020

The love of which He spoke

The love of which He spoke                                                                       

Bent deep in the pretzel-shaped body and mind of Zen,
I was confused when I first read of Meher Baba

and His emphasis on love.  What has love,
I wondered, to do with enlightenment?

Soon I was off myself down the path of Love,
finding that the love of which He spoke

was not my kind of love but the God-is-Love-kind. 
Groping for an approximate synonym,

I settled for Oneness – something to do with Oneness.
Lately, I’ve employed a more startling substitute –

Love is another word for annihilation;
for the flames of self-immolation.

Meher Baba’s kind of Love is the Love
my intact self will never be able to fully

give or receive, only able to become Love Itself
through obliteration and non-existence.

O child of God, meditate on Love
from the viewpoint of God’s aloneness.

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