Monday, June 1, 2020

In a motel lobby

In a motel lobby                                                                                           

Feel heavy these days, though I’m skin and bones,
trudging the path I once raced down. 

Not much I care to see with these dimming eyes,
while nearer to death I seem to or  pretend to

make out more distinctly Baba’s ineffable silence.
Inured now to a mystery that no longer seems a barrier,

merely a depthless realm offering no sure footing.
Innumerable ages I’ve been wandering,

seeking the door to my own heart 
while God, motionless in His infinity,

needless in His oneness, sated in His omniscience,
heartless in His incorporeality is posted forever

on both sides of a door that does not exist. 
I wonder what goes on here.

Where there is a search there is a presumed deficiency.
These are just words I write in my ignorance and need.

Something to pass the time –
like reading a dated magazine in a motel lobby.

O child of God, don’t lose heart. 
You’re not alone in your quest to find the Father.

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