Thursday, October 8, 2020

Our shielding cloaks

Our shielding cloaks                                                                                  
The North Wind spied a traveler (as per Aesop)
on the path below and challenged the Sun –
which one could remove the man’s cloak?
The Wind raged bitterly but the man
clutched his garments all the tighter.
When the Sun’s rays warmed him 
the cloak was quickly shed. 
We seek to remove the mantles
of our arrogance and hostility
(when they shame us)
with rebuke and self-scorn
but that cold bitterness will never
rid us of our weaknesses – 
we cling all the more.
What’s required is the warmth
and light of divine love,
caressing us so tenderly, healing so entirely,
we effortlessly shed, in its bountifulness,
our shielding cloaks, down to our bare-boned,
humbled, brave and grateful selves.
O child of God, what is lacking within you
is the magnanimity of divine love.

(painting by Charlie Gard'ner)

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