Friday, July 26, 2024

I came across Christ

I came across Christ                                                                           
I came across Christ stripped of scriptural restraints;
uplifted in outstretched, agonized triumph.
I came across Christ as He double-crossed
the stone sepulcher; came across death,
across Truth in a walkabout that led to Jesus in India,
thousands of years from the sophistry,
the accumulated errors, the calcified ruins. 
I came across Christ, the palpable flesh and blood
hanged from a cross of the Carpenter’s own making,
His silent returning, His timely, masterful, merciful
descent, the ethereal made extant in the milieu
of our latest, chronic human lunacy and despair.
O child of God, follow the ancient thread that runs
from Zoroaster’s kushti to the sadra of Meher.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Original grain

Original grain                                                                                      
I want to not know
any other way to be.
Cut my alternatives
down to zero, the original grain
good for me, good for me;
truth will out and out of that truth
a worn out humbleness, holiness revealed;
holy however imperfect, impure, impaired.
Dream if you must
of unbridled potential.
I want to not know
any other way to be,
rubbed down to the nub, the original grain
and go with that, go with that, go with that.
O child of God, the Way, said the venerable
Lao Tzu, is gained by daily loss.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Something better besides

Something better besides                                                                    
To seek the truth
is to covet what God knows.
To seek nothing
is to honor His secret.
To seek nothing is the ultimate faith.
A dearth of trust is truth-seeking,
the self-seeking of reward.
To seek nothing is to abandon
the paradigm of loss and gain,
truth being only what is now.
Nothing else to be known; unstorable,
untranslatable into knowledge.
Grasp at truth?  Or hold out simply
your God-issued begging bowl?
O child of God, truth is greater than illusion
but there’s still something better besides.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

It takes a death

It takes a death                                                                                   
It takes a death, often
to bring us down to earth,
to the dove’s heart a blow,
an arrow bestirring the dust,
a crucifixion of some sort,
whether on rough timbers
or the rotting beams of old bones;
grave dust lading and silhouetting
our common little crucifixes built humbly
upon the rickety bridges of nothingness.
But also revealing the genuinely endearing
human qualities of valor and gallantry –
for how else may God be brave but through us? 
Clearing the air long enough to glimpse: 
Everyone is continuously reaching for God,
for love, for the above ground truth of who we are.
O child of God, there’s nothing to seek;
nothing to find but the omnipresent One.