Tuesday, February 26, 2019

His silence

His silence                                                                                                

Leather on the soles of my tender feet
protecting me from the sharpness of the path

must be abandoned before entering the Samadhi –
for the sake of reverence and humility

and simply because protection is no longer required.
Removed to get me into the right posture and mode

to accept what blessings (by His grace) might flow.
Years later, I stand at the threshold of His Silence.

My desperate yearning to understand must also
be abandoned, its protection no longer valid,

so that I might in reverence and humility
embrace the mystery, utterly at His mercy;

the right posture and mode to receive (by His grace)
whatever blessings He might choose to bestow.

O child of God, rejoice!  His silence
is the answer to all your questions.

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