Friday, February 28, 2020

A wine-soaked heart

A wine-soaked heart                                                                                   

God asked Moses if he believed in manna from heaven.
Moses couldn’t answer.  His once-famished mouth was full.

Jesus asked the disciples if they believed
in water turned to wine.  They countered not,

their drunken lips unable to form syllables.
Bhau clamored for a wine-soaked heart

and a truth he could neither do nor say.
Where he ended up is between him and his Beloved.

I sought, apparently, spiritual intoxication. 
You left me punch drunk and reeling,

bruised and (a bit fearfully) begging for more.
To say we are on the path is a trick of language.

The path is in our chest, above our chronic stumbling –
unfolding, enfolding, up and down;

twisting, turning, shaking us loose
from our ineffectual pedestrian gait.

O child of God, as a child Jesus was gentle with you.
Meher, to your great fortune, has taken off the gloves.


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