Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The silent parlance

The silent parlance                                                                                  

There seems to be something sacred
in turning my ears around

long before my approach to the inner Path,
listening to the wind

upon the knolls and hollows
of my own interior landscape.

In all humility not traipsing about
learning from others how to live,

answering to others’ advice,
but heeding only and putting my sole faith

in that seemingly desultory inner voice,
the faint, unintelligible hints and suggestions

that come wafting across the moor,
often making little sense in the worldly scheme.

Having the great faith that You and I
shall one day converse until time’s end,

once I capture and master anew
the lost, silent parlance of my soul.

O child of God, to elude the self,
trek deeper and deeper into the interior.

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