Gazing at the moonrise I should be sitting cross-legged by now, like a high old monk, not a thought in the world nor a question in mind, gazing at the moonrise above the shadowed vale; blending in mutely with God’s majesty and beauty. Truly, what better way to spend my time? Preferable to my polished routine down here, my old song and dance, playing to the crowd; my sweat and scuffle, trying to leave my mark upon
the world – like the spray-painted graffiti on those mountain
stones. But my legs won’t fold up like that anymore or carry me up a mountainside, so I sit in my darkened house to mingle if not quite merge with the Mystery in a shuteye, heart to heart
communion upon the jagged edge of the mountain, above the endless vales within; my ancient Self rising with that distant moon, receiving and reflecting His holy light. O child of God, how peaceful is the pilgrim whose Companion has taken him by the hand.
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