Monday, December 23, 2024

The ring of truth

The ring of truth                                        
Thank You for all You have given me
and all You have taken away;
for remembering me
and for allowing me to remember You.
Thank You for wisdom’s ripening;
for the dust of the grave;
the shards of my poverty; for the rasp
of the world which has sharpened my longing.
Thank You for Your name
and the knowledge of Its significance;
for the soul’s dogged progression;
the inevitability of the goal;
for the human joy and affliction,
the revelation and mystification
which leads ultimately to dissolution,
to the unveiling of the indwelling Self and Union.
O child of God, the gratitude you’ve expressed
for years has begun to bear the ring of truth.

1 comment:

  1. Yes
    << Thank You . . . for the rasp
    of the world which has sharpened my longing >>
