There’s a path which must be walked.
There’s no choice about it; no turning back.
A footbridge to be crossed –
high, narrow, pendulous; a candle
held before the chest, cupped hand
and cautious steps protecting its flame.
In the heart, there’s a wine cup, brimful,
to be balanced precisely
lest a drop spills in vain.
There’s a prayer –
heartfelt, word for word -- which must be said
as the candle is protected and the cup is balanced;
a silence to be kept intact as the prayer is recited
and the cup is balanced, the candle protected –
a silence pure, immense as the silence
Meher left after returning the borrowed clay.
And there are various outward,
karmic circumstances which must come together
like stars in alignment and agreement.
Footbridge, candle,wine cup, prayer,
silence, stars and circumstance . . . .
karmic circumstances which must come together
like stars in alignment and agreement.
Footbridge, candle,wine cup, prayer,
silence, stars and circumstance . . . .
O child of God, there is more to the path
the farther along you go.
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