Monday, March 24, 2025

My green heart

My green heart
We must live for God and die for God, You said.
I once thought these were two different things.
Death approaching makes brittle my bones.
Greener and suppler is my heart.
Suppleness necessary for yielding.
Death necessary for new growth.
In the Tomb, while sitting at Your feet,
a fire ravaged my house.
The floor of my chest turned to burning coals.
Underneath its blackened rafters, settled among the ash,
my green heart now is weaving a nest.
Wonderful things have sprung up: 
songs of praise, tears of gratitude;
attempted fidelity, an inchoate love . . . .
Why not consider yourself already dead? You asked.
This makes sense to me.  I was born in Your Tomb.
O child of God, one morning the old shell gave way
to new growth and turned your blackened heart green.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Your silence is the sound

Your silence is the sound
Your silence is the sound of the heart’s surrender,
the dissolution of the ego structure,
the speechless wonder of the mind
when God steps through the door.
It is the sound of a lover’s deep gaze,
a tear sliding down the cheek;
the silence of a pilgrim sinking to his knees,
after so long a journey, before the Tomb of his Lord.
O Beloved, Your sound is the silence of the Tomb itself,
          closed for the night;
the silence of the painted images on its holy, stone walls.
O child of God, why speak of silence?
The Beloved speaks eternally within the human heart.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Outrageous love

Outrageous love                                                                                                      

I let You into my heart.  You produced a key
to long-locked door.  It led to a cellar filled with wine.
O Lord, those are my teardrops on those dusty bottles!
My tongue is too drunk to speak properly now
          but I will moan for You.
Moonlight pours through a small window just above the street.
Let’s drink to Hafiz – to his outrageous love.
And what of Rumi? – his poetic, methodical breaking down
of the barriers between lover and God.
O Beloved, my heart seems so spacious when You are there,
sweeping through the house in Your flowing white gown;
Your arms fluid and graceful, Your birdlike hands
making gestures for love, grace, forgiveness, mercy.
Atop Your head, Your hands form a crown –
the gesture for a king.
O child of God, prepare your heart for the day
King Meher arrives in full regalia never again to leave. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

A fortress

A fortress                                                                                          

Stripped to the waist, hair tied back,
lean and sweaty, the mandali at Your elbow
as You labored to build a fortress
where thousands of Your lovers gather
to lay hearts and flowers, but for years
the work progressed unacknowledged
and even the mandali had no idea
the foundations You were laying,
the mortar, blood, sweat and stone
set within that holiest of holy ground . . . .
Planted in the hillside, Your body
growing a garden built of solid walls,
well-rooted neems and banyans,
crisscrossed paths Your feet wore down;
established by Love and ardor to endure
for as long as forever needs to be.
O child of God, He spent a lifetime laying stones
for the years to come without His human form.